Sunday my husband let me take it easy after all that was going on the day before.
First thing Monday morning was my Amnio. :s I was sooo not looking forward to this. Everyone seemed to have an opinion on whether or not it hurts. And I really wasn't looking forward to finding out. We went in had an ultrasound where we got some great pictures of our little man. Then it was time for the amnio. It really hurt, but all I could think was I need to do this for my baby. Afterwards I also had to get a rogham shot. The doctor thought he was pretty funny when he asked me which one I would rather have to which my quick response was "The rogham". Then down the hall to my non-stress test. While being hooked up to the machines Dave got a phone call from work that he had to answer so he stepped out into the hall and the nurse was out helping other people. Sitting there alone I suddenly felt really bad pain. The second Dave walked back into the room I told him he needed to find someone and quick. He went and found the nurse and she came back and looked at my monitors and said "yup, your having contractions which is normal after an amnio." I had a few more while I was in the chair and a couple during the car ride home and then they stopped. That afternoon my son had a doctors appointment because he was not feeling well and during that visit the ladies in the office asked for an update so I told them about the amnio that morning.
Sometime between Tuesday and Wednesday we finally got the results back from the lung maturity and the initial results from the chromosome defect scan. The doctor said lungs were not quite ready yet but that 5 out of the 6 chromosome defects they look for were negative and the 6th one we would not hear back on till next week. Praise the Lord for the report we got back. I called the kids doctors office to give them an update and the lady that I talked to said "you know, after you left the other day I went into my office, closed the door, and said a prayer that all those results would come back normal and I am so happy that my prayer was answered." Then she told me she was going to start crying so she had to hand the phone to someone else to answer my question I had about one of my kids.
Thursday was another OB appointment and after the doctor checked me for progress they told me "any questions don't waste your time calling go straight to Labor and Delievery."
Friday I spent the day taking it easy figuring labor was going to be coming soon. Enjoyed my kids and relaxed as much as possible. That night I was feeling uncomfortable so we figured we should go into L&D because I never had real contractions with my daughter and wanted to make sure all was well. When we got there a nurse checked me and said I was definatly in labor and said I was a 5 and 90%. I was admitted and taken down to a room. Dave and I immidiatly called the family and got them on their way. The nurses had me change into a gown and got me all hoooked up to an IV. About 45 minutes after getting admitted they checked me again. The nurse I had now said "Oh, wait, your not that far along your only a 4 and maybe 80%. Because you are not 39 weeks or after we can't have you do anything (walking etc.) to see if you make progress so we will just have you lie here in bed and check you again in an hour and if no progress we are going to send you home." An hour later... no change. We called the family right away and told them we were being sent home. They all decided to come over anyway for the weekend just in case.
Saturday was spent walking the mall and other stores with all the family members.